Sunday, March 8, 2015

Please be smart you pathetic Schmucks

Do I believe that private hoaxer information should be put out on the open internet to dissuade people from looking into the tragedy?

I would say .. yes.

You ask, 

‘But Wade, since you have such an expert grasp of the Law, surely you are aware of the First Amendment To the Constitution’?

Believe me, I understand your concerns, as does Secretary of State Kerry. Turning over someone's private information to outside parties without consent is unacceptable. That's why we have never sold, rented, loaned, or otherwise given access to the information in our database to anyone else, and never will.

On infrequent occasions we have permitted someone to provide us with the text content for a special mailing and we have sent it out to our email list over their signature -- as we did with this last email from President Obama, and with one that went out several months ago from Al Gore promoting his climate change initiatives -- but when we do that, we send it out ourselves, through our own email server system, following our standard privacy policies. 

That's why the reply-to address on the email you received was still and why it had the John Kerry for President graphic and contact information above and below the body of the email.

I hope this helps to reassure you that your trust was not violated and that the private information you provided to us via remains private. We appreciate your continued support for Secretary of State Kerry in his efforts to help elect as many Democrats to the House and Senate, just as we did in 2010 and 2012.

As Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, President Secretary Kerry worked to learn the truth about American soldiers missing in Vietnam and to normalize relations with that country.

In 2010, as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, President Secretary Kerry was instrumental in the ratification of the New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) Treaty, a vital nuclear arms reduction agreement with Russia that helps steer both countries away from dangerous nuclear confrontations.
John F. Kerry - A great American Hero. God Bless You, President Kerry

However, heed this hoaxer trolls:

We're not now, nor will we be, in the business of helping President Obama ‘spam’ anyone. Our email list is our own, and this was a one-off effort to assist someone that John F. Kerry believes deserves his endorsement in the primary race. 

As he has noted repeatedly, he will also support Secretary Clinton–who is maintaining a pretty nice body for a sixty-seven year old woman, or former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, who is fairly attractive for an older man (I'm married.. so not all that gay), or anyone else who wins the Democratic nomination for President in 2016.

And I encourage you (and anyone else who reads this) to contact me directly if you would like to re-subscribe to Secretary of State Kerry's email list with an exclusion against receiving messages supporting President Obama or any other Presidential candidate prior to the party's selection of its final nominee for 2016:

Actually, scratch like... most of that. This is Barack's second term and so he can't run again, unless we find a way to change the rules.

Christ. I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Those dog days of September. 

The Indian summer of ‘03, sweating our ***** off inside the John F. Kerry Presidential Election Community Campaign Headquarters for Nevada County, California

At the time, our community campaign field office HQ was located in the furnished, outdoor shed behind my neighbor Neal's folk's place since his parents had temporarily moved out to El Dorado Hills due to all the ruckus; and we just got Joe to run a 26 foot extension cord out the window of the greenhouse. 

That one guy, what was his name.. Mr. Satchmo.  He was always smiling this big kind of goofy grin—still have no clue what his name actually was—I think he was really smart, but he was just the local negrophobic kid whose parent's owned that Korean grocery.. hm.. well either way, he got an allowance even though he was like 30—and so he paid for the food.

He used to tell me about how he was deathly afraid of salty liquids, which I found odd, but he also had these dreams where he actually got to meet and touch President Kerry, which to me was strange, because so did I. 

Anyhow, those are the only two guys whose names I can remember. We called ourselves the A-Team. That seems kind of quaint now, almost.

Cracking open a Bud Light, fan on full blast, out-of-breath from running around kicking over, pissing on, or just outright stealing Bush/Cheney 2004 yard signs. We never got caught. Plus it was all for Kerry.

Boom! Then the weather cooled, and the tension became to high for most of the fellas.
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no chance of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a treacherous little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over now, and have been for many a year; and the victor was clearly John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and left him for roadkill.

November, I re...
.. I can't go into right now...


—CW Wade

Wolfgang Halbig Files Sandy Hook Lawsuit

Wolfgang Halbig

It appears that Wolfgang Halbig may have indeed filed a lawsuit. After nearly two years of fundraising where Halbig indicated he was going to "bring Connecticut (or in the alternative the U.S. Government) to it's knees" and get officials to "raise their right hand in deposition", Halbig opted out and instead filed an a very limited scope personal matter, a libel suit in Florida state court.  Halbig claims to have an Orlando attorney on this case. 

Since Halbig is a public figure who goes radio show to radio show raising money by claiming the Sandy Hook school shooting is an "illusion" or a "hoax" (such claims are considered  "frivilous and implausible" by the courts, as Shanley has proven- see below), it is not clear how Halbig, or more importantly, his attorney, intends to pull this lawsuit off.

Even with wild stretches of imagination, one wonders how a libel action in Florida could ever   impact Connecticut officials.  Further, Halbig is essentially libel proof. One can conclude that this is merely another self-serving fund raising ploy by Halbig.

In interviews, it is clear Halbig is also attempting to intimidate people from speaking out, so it is possible this lawsuit also serves as a measure to simply harass people and attempt to trample on their free speech right as Americans.

Interestingly, it appears Halbig must proceed with subpoenas issued through California courts since he is attempting to get records from California. Halbig may find California very hostile territory when it comes to "Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation" type cases; that is, a case that lacks merit and involves another persons right to free speech.

Even where you merely have a California court re-issue a foreign subpoena, the party now has access to the courts in California.   If someone moves against Wolfgang's subpoenas in California, Wolfgang will  have to fight it out in California.  If Wolfgang's case lacks merit (a much lower threshold than Shanley achieved by earning "frivilous and implausible" with his similar claims), California will order Halbig to pay the other party's fees and costs and Halbig will be sent packing.

Despite the legal pitfall Halbig seems to be digging for himself, Halbig is able to convince followers that this libel suit is a worthy cause. It is unknown how much money is being donated to help mitigate the costs that will surely come home to roost upon Halbig and his legal blunder.

At this point, prior to seeing actual court documents or even proof of a case of any significance, it is all speculation. If I get an updates I will post them.

Going back to Newtown

I am further advised that Wolfgang Halbig intends to travel to Newtown around March 18-20, 2015 where he is hoping to inspect responsive documents as part of his FOIA requests.  I am glad to see that Newtown was finally able to slog through Wolfgang's odd, vague, almost random requests (a heroic task in and of itself)  and be able to be able to dutifully comply, in accordance with Connecticut law.  Perhaps that legal chapter will soon close.

William Shanley

The last time I checked William Shanley's criminal case, he had bailed out.  As of now it is listed as "Awaiting disposition" and details are not available as "statutorily sealed".  I am not inclined to research what this means in terms of Connecticut law. 

On James Tracy's Memory Hole Blog, Shanley describes his 43 day imprisonment, including psychiatric evaluation and some level of treatment, including medications. It's not clear by the article if any of the treatment he allegedly received was effective.

William Shanley's second lawsuit versus media giants and their reporting on Sandy Hook has been dismissed. The case, 3:14-cv-01929-JAM (Shanley v. O'Prey et al), was dismissed on February 20, 2015; the judge  ruling:

Plaintiff’s complaint in this case must be dismissed for all the reasons set forth in the order of dismissal from the prior case. Plaintiff lacks standing to pursue his claims, and his claims are frivolous and implausible.
This action is DISMISSED with prejudice pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e)(2)(B).

As I predicted, the action was dismissed as frivilous, with prejudice.  His first lawsuit against the Newtown Bee  was dismissed last month. 

Despite the Judge clearly and unambiguously dismissing Shanley's case with prejudice, Shanley filed an amended complaint on February 24, 2015 with the court.   I'm sure a Federal Judge will be amused by this "slap in the face" by Shanley.

What these hoaxers do not understand, is that these are not merely “idle words”. 

My father and I have extensive experience with the California court system. 
In fact, I should probably do a full article on this so that I don't clutter up my reposting of this article.

Do you think that private companies should turn over people's information for this?

Friday, February 13, 2015

Sandy Hook Hoaxers attack Free Speech

Why is WadesVids down?

Since February 2, 2014 I have produced videos to my channel on YouTube, WadesVids.  I had produced numerous investigatory works investing time, energy, and money into my production group.  I conducted fair and thorough analysis.  I reached my own conclusions of Sandy Hook and Sandy Hook Hoax and I published my independent conclusions.

I FAIRLY exposed when evidence was being fabricated. innocent families were being stalked, and published blog and videos of my findings. The only time I stalked anyone was when they harassed the Sandy Hook families or said that they thought that the event was a hoax.

Beginning December, 2014, Sandy Hook Hoaxers, at the behest of Sandy Hook Admins have attacked my channels to silence my work.  Their attack was vicious, knowledgeable, and effective. The hoaxers, in a conspiracy of their own, created numerous fake accounts, which match my accounts in form as substance such as this one:

sickening, fake vile CW Wade account
Fake Sandy Hook Facts account on YouTube
The hoaxers  then reported my channel as an imposter through Google's idiotic automatic system which automatically suspends my account.

There was then a cycle of successful Google appeals which was always followed by Hoaxer re-reporting/re-flagging accounts and flagging my videos until I suppose Google's answer was to terminate my account.

Although I am appealing; it is nearly futile.  Hoaxer flagging and attacks shut down just about any channel I use. A Sandy Hook Hoax Member has let us know they could terminate any account "with the touch of a button"; I am presently appealing, but Google's system is unfair and a nightmare, where you are presumed guilty.

Under daily attack I issued a cease and desist in January 2015; Hoaxers acknowledged receipt of the Cease and Desist Notice calling it ‘Comedy Gold’ and continued their impersonation, copyright infringement, and channel attacks. 

The effort expended to shut down my research has been tremendous. Sandy Hook Hoax Group (or whoever is behind them) has stated they could shut down any of my channels with a touch of a button.  They Hoaxers have shut down my video production, stolen my property, and completely shredded my First Amendment rights.

With  numerous fake accounts,  Hoaxers  uploaded my videos in order to represent they are the real WadesVids account.  In some cases they change the video or blurred the video to ensure my debunking or analysis was not broadcast properly.

As on the below pictured account, they hoaxers are clearly uploading direct copies of my videos and further, pretending they ARE me publishing them.

That is malicious Copyright Violation. There is nothing "fair use" about stealing my identity and uploading my ENTIRETY of my videos to pretend you are me.  That is a violation of the law.

Fair use is NEVER stealing the entirety of someone else work and then passing it off as your work on your channel. It's illegal and unAmerican.

Are Sandy Hook Hoaxers  attempting to sabotage real truthers by attacking the First Amendment?  What are they afraid of? What is their purpose?

A fake "Wades Bibs" YouTube doppelgänger account
Yet another stupid doppelgänger account.
 They created several fake blogs.  These blogs represent they are written by me.  They are not written by me. Labeled as CW Wade and WadesVids, this is clearly a malicious attack up on my production and designed to defame me.

Fake "WidsWades" account
Fake "WidsWades" account. Idiots.

Sandy Hook Hoax Group is the primary advertiser, publisher, and conspirators and participants of this malicious  attack on my research and first amendment rights.

Even real truthers should be concerned at this assault on the rights of the independent researchers such as myself.

Right now hoaxers are engaged open coercion demanding I put the whiteflag" and stop publishing

You do not have a right to violate my coerce me from looking into Sandy Hook, infringe, free speech, shut me down, and violate my copyrights and flag down my channels, take control of me; silence me, and attempt to intimidate me.

This is an attack of my fundamental rights. It cannot be  allowed to stand.

 They could do this to any of you. 

For the record, my only channel is here:

And you are at my only blog.
Or visit me on Facebook.

Stand up for the First Amendment.

Thank you,

   —CW Wade