Sunday, January 11, 2015

Some Good News and Some Bad News

First Some Good News

I wanted to begin this article by sharing some good-news with my followers:
Thanks to your support— this site has surpassed 15,000 views since Christmas Day!!! Woooot!
So thank you for that. And thank you for all of the support through this trying time.

Now for the Bad News

Criminal stalkers, idiots, aka the insidious clan of jackbooted drool-drinking lizards that we in the extended Newtown community call “Hoaxers”, have increased their attacks on me as of late.Even going so far as to release e-Cards in my copyrighted likeness and emblazoned with disparaging and libelous text across the picture.

Fuck you hoaxers making sick e-Cards about ME
Hoaxers creating sick e-Card jokes in my likeness, trampling my right to my trademarked image

This is loathsome. And low.  I know that the reader is likely as disgusted as I was when I first received the alert.

You hoaxtard imbeciles have crossed a new line--upon which I now stand my ground and say ENOUGH DAMMIT!

  You know, when you first get into a conversation with a HOAXER, they may seem alright at first.  Almost human, even.  In fact, many of them will deny to you that they even are HOAXERS to begin with.

  They like to refer to themselves as “Truth Seekers” or “Truthers”, but I can assure you that this is a bold-faced LIE.  They are not interested in the ghastly truth behind Animal Lanza's murders at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.  Oh no, they most certainly are not.

  So I say—why let them frame the debate?

Am I right?

  You see, that is why myself, along with the HONR Network, most of the Parents, and many other important figures of the Sandy Hook Community have preemptively decided once and for all to refer to them as nothing other than HOAXERS.


  We also decided—long ago—that we would be above the use of such low-brow tactics such as this in dealing with our dim-witted enemy.

For instance, one leading researcher fucktard, in reality a sick twisted psychopath—owns a deeply depraved monetized channel on the video sharing site YouTube. It is filled with ad-ware, pornography, and misleading video titles.  This assholenobody with no credentials once left a comment under a video making extremely disrespectful remarks about my best friend and research partner—Editor in Chief at two highly prestigious news outlets, such as the
Newtown Post Examiner
as well as
SandyHook Hoax Stalkers (online journal)

This rude cyberbully wrote that, “during debates…”, Keith Johnson quote-unquote:

  “sounds and reasons like a 3 year old on meth”

 As you can plainly hear for yourself, this is a bold faced lie:

Download Audio Clip

Upon being informed by an alert member over at SHHANB, what did Keith Johnson do?  Did he immediately begin stalkerizing that poor son of a bitch and digging into any possible exploitable foible in their past, such as arrest sheets, credit reports, marriage problems, et cetera?

I don't have to tell you the answer, but of course it's a resounding “no”.

And for that, I look up to Mr. Johnson.
I look up to all of the Johnsons’ across the world—who are able to feel and withstand such a dense, crushing blow to their hearts—often leading to angina, a bad temper, and even miscellaneous medical conditions such as Gynaecomastia and other personal issues..

And but so they feel this horrible pain … but then they hold it in.

Yes, they HOLD it in.  Oftentimes even resorting to literally breaking their own computer accessories in fits of—not rage, mind you—but fits of …passion.

Passion to fight for the truth;
to swim against the tide of monetized insult-laden hoaxer videos;
and to take the path less traveled by.

To Choose Love…instead of the brutally-bullying insults of tin-foil shielded, Cheetos-eating, sister-fucking basement dwellers.

CW Wade


  1. where are your other articles?!

    1. I had to remove some because I was angry when I wrott and just didnt sound professional the nexy day. So i just deleted.

  2. Keith sounds like a talking tampon

  3. nice one Keith!
    yodux a always have the best comebacks bro ;)

  4. Thank you to Keith Johnson for all of his help on my upcoming article. You all will love it !

  5. This Keith Johnson prick sounds like a shrieking coward. It's probably for the best that he never enlisted. The douchebag wouldn't last 10 days.

  6. Santino Freda - created this blog
    712 Vermont Ave Salisbury
    MD 21801


Please be respectful to the victims of 12/14