Friday, February 13, 2015

Sandy Hook Hoaxers attack Free Speech

Why is WadesVids down?

Since February 2, 2014 I have produced videos to my channel on YouTube, WadesVids.  I had produced numerous investigatory works investing time, energy, and money into my production group.  I conducted fair and thorough analysis.  I reached my own conclusions of Sandy Hook and Sandy Hook Hoax and I published my independent conclusions.

I FAIRLY exposed when evidence was being fabricated. innocent families were being stalked, and published blog and videos of my findings. The only time I stalked anyone was when they harassed the Sandy Hook families or said that they thought that the event was a hoax.

Beginning December, 2014, Sandy Hook Hoaxers, at the behest of Sandy Hook Admins have attacked my channels to silence my work.  Their attack was vicious, knowledgeable, and effective. The hoaxers, in a conspiracy of their own, created numerous fake accounts, which match my accounts in form as substance such as this one:

sickening, fake vile CW Wade account
Fake Sandy Hook Facts account on YouTube
The hoaxers  then reported my channel as an imposter through Google's idiotic automatic system which automatically suspends my account.

There was then a cycle of successful Google appeals which was always followed by Hoaxer re-reporting/re-flagging accounts and flagging my videos until I suppose Google's answer was to terminate my account.

Although I am appealing; it is nearly futile.  Hoaxer flagging and attacks shut down just about any channel I use. A Sandy Hook Hoax Member has let us know they could terminate any account "with the touch of a button"; I am presently appealing, but Google's system is unfair and a nightmare, where you are presumed guilty.

Under daily attack I issued a cease and desist in January 2015; Hoaxers acknowledged receipt of the Cease and Desist Notice calling it ‘Comedy Gold’ and continued their impersonation, copyright infringement, and channel attacks. 

The effort expended to shut down my research has been tremendous. Sandy Hook Hoax Group (or whoever is behind them) has stated they could shut down any of my channels with a touch of a button.  They Hoaxers have shut down my video production, stolen my property, and completely shredded my First Amendment rights.

With  numerous fake accounts,  Hoaxers  uploaded my videos in order to represent they are the real WadesVids account.  In some cases they change the video or blurred the video to ensure my debunking or analysis was not broadcast properly.

As on the below pictured account, they hoaxers are clearly uploading direct copies of my videos and further, pretending they ARE me publishing them.

That is malicious Copyright Violation. There is nothing "fair use" about stealing my identity and uploading my ENTIRETY of my videos to pretend you are me.  That is a violation of the law.

Fair use is NEVER stealing the entirety of someone else work and then passing it off as your work on your channel. It's illegal and unAmerican.

Are Sandy Hook Hoaxers  attempting to sabotage real truthers by attacking the First Amendment?  What are they afraid of? What is their purpose?

A fake "Wades Bibs" YouTube doppelgänger account
Yet another stupid doppelgänger account.
 They created several fake blogs.  These blogs represent they are written by me.  They are not written by me. Labeled as CW Wade and WadesVids, this is clearly a malicious attack up on my production and designed to defame me.

Fake "WidsWades" account
Fake "WidsWades" account. Idiots.

Sandy Hook Hoax Group is the primary advertiser, publisher, and conspirators and participants of this malicious  attack on my research and first amendment rights.

Even real truthers should be concerned at this assault on the rights of the independent researchers such as myself.

Right now hoaxers are engaged open coercion demanding I put the whiteflag" and stop publishing

You do not have a right to violate my coerce me from looking into Sandy Hook, infringe, free speech, shut me down, and violate my copyrights and flag down my channels, take control of me; silence me, and attempt to intimidate me.

This is an attack of my fundamental rights. It cannot be  allowed to stand.

 They could do this to any of you. 

For the record, my only channel is here:

And you are at my only blog.
Or visit me on Facebook.

Stand up for the First Amendment.

Thank you,

   —CW Wade

Thursday, February 5, 2015

No Real CW Wade Anywhere

This is just a reminder to everyone, but I have had all of my accounts hacked.

Remember, this was my account:

So if you see any comments posted anywhere purportedly by me, I am asking that you please go to and join CTA and report them to me personally. This is so that I have documentation for my files as I am compiling what may amount to be a court brief against these domestic terrorists which will shock the conscious of the court into changing fundamental laws regarding free speech.

You may have thought that the usual hoaxer attacks and disinfo tricks coordinated by Jim Fetzer and Wolfgang Halbig were bad enough, but wait until you hear what's happened now.

On February 4, 2015 the gangstalking psychopath hoaxers first managed to dupe spineless moron, John Keefe (using YouTube profile jfk371). They were making rude comments containing language which I never use, thus fooling the poor, insufferable idiot into thinking that they were talking to me, when in fact – they weren't.

This propelled them, as if attacked by some unseen force, into producing a foul-mouthed smut video making disparaging comments about me, CW Wade.

Thanks to assistance from my back-end team working at YouTube (MJ Reeves gets special thanks), I was able to have his deleted video moved to my channels.

Thus, jfk371 managed to trick a tolerable hoaxer acquaintance of mine, Jason Roggasch into thinking that I was lying, when really it simply wasn't me.

After coming to my Facebook Account and verifying that I was me, Jason Roggasch, who is–while certainly plagued with ADHD, an extremely foul mouth, and obviously suffering from cold-weather-induced frozen maple syrup crazed insanity—at least somewhat tolerable for a partial hoaxer. Meaning to say that he entertains certain, what we in CTA call “hoaxer thought patterns”.

Anyhow, he then went back into his room and produced the following video which (somewhat) explains the current state of affairs, if rather incoherently.

Currently, Jason has issued a formal retraction and an apology to me and sent an apologetic note to Lenny Pozner, begging for forgiveness.
Jason has now joined our side and is working with two other tolerable hoaxers:
 Brendan Hunt of XRayUltra and Joel of Aryan Empires
to avenge my name and bring the perpetrators to justice over this shocking deception.

Here are a few more shocking examples of hoaxer attacks to my person, image, and property. These represent a mere fraction of the information which I have meticulously captured on these breathtakingly brazen and bizarre imbeciles in their furious efforts to dragoon me into surrendering my free speech.
  1. The Initital Attack (the recommended starting point)
  2. Examples of Hatewing Hoaxer Emails which I continue to receive on a daily basis.
  3. Hoaxers Threaten To Blow Up My Car


The following Cease & Desist Notice is your final warning


To the following:
  1. Tony Mead
  2. Erik Pearson
  3. John Doe #1 (aka Facebook profile “Jeff Dryden”)
  4. John Does 2 thru 12
  5. John Doek dba Sandy Hook Hoax

You are to immediately CEASE AND DESIST impersonating, stalking, harassing, and violating the intellectual property rights of CW Wade dba WadesVids. Your impersonation, harassing, and intimidating actions against me has become unbearable.    Such anti-social behavior is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in any way, shape or form.  

This letter is to demand that your harassing actions are ILLEGAL and must CEASE AND DESIST immediately.  

This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER demands that you immediately discontinue and do not at any point in the future under any circumstances do the following to me:
  • violate my intellectual property
  • violate my copyrights
  • violate my trademarks
  • speak to
  • contact
  • pursue
  • harass
  • stalk
  • impersonate
  • pose as
  • double as
  • represent yourself as
  • play the role of
  • do a convincing impression of
  • shadow
  • mimic
  • spook
  • tailgate
  • chase
  • masquerade as
  • pass oneself off as
  • disturb my peace
  • keep me under surveillance
  • gather information about and/or 
  • block my movements at home. work, social gatherings or religious functions
  • make flirtatious comments to my wife while she is at work
  • make sexual comments about my wife
  • send or digitally transmit sexual jokes; which a reasonable, neutral observer could construe to be as pertaining to either myself or my wife
  • talk about me in private at home, work, via telephone, and/or on the internet
  • laugh at me
  • audibly speak, write, pen, author, make, or otherwise visibly introduce comments into the public domain which may induce a neutral, reasonable observer to laugh at me
  • perpetually steal the “Pledge of Support” sign for County Sheriff from out of my front yard and then either repeatedly deny that you have done so, or will not admit to
  • throw milkshakes at, towards, over, or into my car, my wife's car, or my sister-in-law's car

Specific Allegations not limited to the following: John Doe and/or the above listed persons, (true legal name may need to be ascertained via subpoena)
  1. have created, hosted, and/or republished numerous fake accounts to falsely impersonate me and to violate my trademarks and copyrights. These accounts serve to defame me and create a credible likeness of me and include but are not limited to my actual photograph, name, and persona.
  2. have impersonated me, including using likenesses of my name, social media accounts, and photos to create a credible impersonation of me in in violation of California Penal Code 528.5.
  3. You are further noticed that you are hosting and/or republishing my audio, writings, audio, and video recordings in violation of Federal copyright laws.
  4. You stalk and harassment in violation of state and federal laws.
  5. You have and continue to create and operate numerous social media accounts using my name, persona, video, audio, and images, in order to impersonate, stalk and harass. This includes but is not limited to Facebook Accounts, Google+ Accounts, and Google Profiles.

The primary means of dispersing, hosting, advertising, and republishing this illegal, harassing, and hateful material is through Sandy Hook Hoax , a for profit social media group that shows as owned and/or operated by Tony Mead, resident of Florida and Erik Pearson, resident of Washington, and John Doe, alleged resident of Canada, and John Doe aka “Jeff Dryden”.

Sandy Hook Hoax is a “for profit” social media organization that sells products and solicits monies, in part by disparaging me and hosting this impersonating material.

The material is hosted and/or republished within Sandy Hook Hoax Group and is primarily created by their members using social accounts in a concerted effort maliciously slander and libel me. The above parties act knowing the material is an impersonation and act knowing the material is designed to intentionally mislead a reasonable person to believe that the material is produced by me. Further, they have actually mislead people to believe I produced the material and further I have suffered recoverable loss and detriment as a result of said impersonation.

This serves as legal notice to the above parties to cease and desist hosting, creating, or republishing this illegal material.

Further, the parties are acting maliciously as retribution for my exercising free speech rights as a citizen of the State of California and these United States of America. The parties are in violation of numerous State and Federal laws, including very specific laws in California, Florida, and Washington.  

You are also noticed that, pursuant to California Law, you will be responsible for attorney and court fees and costs for any and all enforcement action of this notice, in addition to any other judgment of the court.

     C W Wade

  3. and the copyrighted material.
Personal information withheld pursuant to California Law as a stalked and severely harassed person.

Notice is of and concerning the personal social media accounts of CW Wade, (the stalked person) as follows:

Facebook: (Wades.Vids.7)
Google+CW Wade, WadesVids dba WadesVideo, Sandy Hook Facts

Notice of claim: “WadesVids™” is my trademark and parties are hereto noticed of same.

Service to offending parties as follows on 2/05/15.

  1. Tony Mead via postage-paid USPS First Class Mail:
        10401 Panama Street
        Hollywood, FL 33026
    and electronically to:
    and via message through Facebook
  2. Erik Pearson and Sandy Hook Hoax at
  3. Jeff Dryden via message through Facebook.
    Jeff Dryden identified as Facebook user:
  4. Impersonating website site: via direct message to one of the offending websites at the impersonating website at:

    Numerous Google+ and Facebook sites, some of which have been deleted by the respective Social Media entities
  5. Sandy Hook Hoax via message to: and to:

Copy to:

Google Legal Department via USPS Certified Mail:
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway,
Mountain View, CA 94043

Facebook Legal Department via USPS Certified Mail:
1 Hacker Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hoaxer Claim of No Sandy Hook Evacuation-Debunked

For two full years now, the hoaxers have claimed that no children could be seen being evacuated from the school.

Today—in a CW Wade exclusive—those petulantly foolish hoaxer claims are debunked.

The parents and victims of Sandy Hook, along with anyone else in the greater 12/14 Newtown community - such as Sandy Hook Promise, Vicki Soto 5k, the HONR Network, My Sandy Hook Family, The Sandy Hook Elementary School Victims Relief Fund, and many, many more —all know that they can count on me, to debunk all of the false Hoaxer claims and wacko conspiracy theories, anytime of the day.. or night.

CW Wade

A new superhero for a new era