**** Hoaxer Vandal Caught by Undercover LAPD! ****
See below for more info
A First Shot Is Fired
Ever since the publication of my ground breaking Merry Hoaxer Stalking Christmas article, published here; the hoaxer community of venemous lunatics and dangerous psychopaths have been up in arms, as wave after wave of shock ...well .. shook the Hoaxers to their core.
The Hoaxers Take Puppeteering Classes
In retaliation, the hoaxers scheduled a counterattack, wherewith they decided to flood my Gmail inbox with spam, death threats, and even malware and viruses. On another front, the video sharing site YouTube, hoaxers produced an amateurishly crude video about me and Lt Vance using a muppet dressed like a police officer.
This hand-puppet, named “Officer Steve Poppet”, even makes thinly veiled allusions to homosexual activity having transpired between myself, Keith Johnson, and Lt Vance.
CW Wade Officially Denounces Video
As of today (and after repeated requests for them to remove it) —I am officially denouncing this video as the product of an insane criminal. This person is probably so deranged and pale since he hasn't emerged from his milf hag mother's decrepit basement; out into the daylight of the work-a-day world ... in two years.This is because hoaxers don't function in reality... they function in their artificially constructed depraved and sick fantasy.. shared by all of the other twisted creep weirdo freaks who live only for gangstalking, debauchery, thievery, Cheetos™, and apparently now... puppetry.
CW Wade's Counterattack
Due to this somewhat unexpected round of hoaxer attacks, I have decided to continue my previous exposé into the dangerous world created by the collective unconscious, aka the hive mind of these malcontent circus animal criminals.
For this edition, I will select a few choice emails from my inbox at random and share them with you.
Maybe this will shine some much needed light into the dark hollow cavities of the watermelon-shaped masses of wasted matter; that the hoaxers call their own heads.
Email #1
i spit on everything you do wade. You are retarded.
Well that was informative... not.
Email #2
The event is pure Hollywood fiction and you're blind for not realizing it
How fucking stupid can you be?
Answer: not very.
Email #3
CW Wade you better fukin pray that I don't find you you chicken shit muthafucker. How about you just go blow Keith Johnson you homosexual fake lawyer. OMG you probably like Obama! YES!! You love that long, black———
————--- too graphic for print ---————
and after you finish with that I hope you go sit on a fucking mop and fuck yourself because you are the most annoying trash talking, pretentious faggot I have ever ever ever ever heard... if you want to do me a great favor, please go run in the street and get———
————--- too graphic for print ---————
In closing I just had to drop ya a line to say
FUCK Sandy Hook
FUCK Newtown
Well, that was certainly insightful. A little glimpse into the minds of these hoaxers.
As you can plainly see, they all sex obsessed criminals.
Some of them email me and post taunting messages everyday, as if attacked by some unseen foe:
Email #4
CW Wade. I think its great that you had a mental breakdown. Funny as hell. Did you have to run over your keyboard to break it? You can dish it out but you can't take it. You sounded like a little girl telling your mommy on your brother in that email to Vance. So you wrote an email. What does that prove. I didn't see an answer to it. What a worthless crybaby little bitch you are CW Wade.
Why don't you come out of hiding and fight like a man? You can't because you know and I know that you are a dickless———
————--- too graphic for print ---————
thats what will happen to you, cw wade you psycho.
Go put your duckie on your wreath and go cry like a baby you little bitch
Sometimes their criminal predilections get the best of them, as we'll see next:
Gangstalking Criminal Hoaxers Make Critical Mistake
Email #5
yo cw i my friendz and me wan thnk u for bing such shill.
please you see what my friendz & me do for you.
if yuo come to Koreatown LA you will please come to the alleyway behind new hampshire ave by west 3rd st. and gold silver pawn shop.
thank u ass poundly shill fuckheader.
Well, I don't think I will be doing that.
But luckily, I don't have to let my curiosity get the best of me here, wondering what surprise would have awaited me in such a promising venue... because that author was kind enough to include a photograph.
![]() |
Low life criminal scum hoaxers committing criminal vandalism in this Los Angeles, California back alley |
These pot smoking hoaxers belong to a 2000 member Facebook cult where they are taught to maliciously deface, damage, and destroy somebody else’s property without their permission.
As a counterattack to these drug smoking moron brained illegal immigrants, I have forwarded both this picture, the location, and the raw email headers of the message to the Los Angeles Police Department. They have assured me that as I write these words, that they have several officers out looking.
Once these foolish miscreants are caught, they will be charged with criminal vandalism (commonly known as “tagging”, defacing property, or graffiti), and they will face dire consequences.
In Los Angeles County, juvenile courts, police and prosecutors are cracking down on these offenses.
Hoaxers should remember that if the amount of the defacement, damage or destruction is $400 or more the offense can be prosecuted as either a felony or a misdemeanor and carries a maximum fine of $10,000.
If the amount of damage is more than $10,000 the maximum fine is $50,000.
Take that hoaxer scum. Hope it was worth it.
HONR triumphs Over Hoaxer Stupidity
Now, in stark contrast to such disgusting emails and death threats which the hoaxers send me on a daily basis, are the emails from my followers as well as appreciative members of the Sandy Hook community.
Some of these letters are so beautiful that they bring tears to my eyes...
For instance this email was sent to me on Sunday by the father of one of the Sandy Hook victims:
Thank you CW Wade for all of your admirable work in our fight against the hoaxers. After much experimentation, I believe that these lizards will continue to deny any and all evidence which supports the claims of the official Newtown's investigation.
These people are confused.
They just don't know the pain that they cause.
It is they who are the ones in pain.
If you provide them facts they will say that the invisible hand of the shadow government created those facts to confuse them even more.
That is why I must commend your efforts. I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for honoring my son, Noah.
I know that together with your help, we will eventually remove every last hoaxer video from the face of the internet.
Gratefully yours,
NameRedacted(for privacy)
And that's where things stand today.
As I finish this article, the attacks and the counterattacks are escalating and more information will be forthcoming as the situation develops.
Update January 14, 2015 at 12:01PM PST
I have been just informed by my contacts in the LAPD --that last night, the perpetrator of this heinous hoaxer-directed smear attack against my good name, was caught!
![]() |
Hoaxer spray painting scum sucker on his way to ass pounding prison. |
Remember, all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
But still … this is AWESOME!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!
Update January 18, 2015 at 1:21PM PST
A member of the HONR Network sent me this recent and disturbing threat:
Authorities in Denver, Colorado have traced the IP address of the video creator, and are en-route to a location as this goes to press.
I will keep you posted with the latest information on this volatile situation as it develops.
That story is continued here.
CW Wade
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteMead and his buddies will be cleaning that spray paint off of that wall that their minion vandalized with paint.
ReplyDeleteThat paint is damn hard to remove too
How does it feel to have a penis ejaculate down your throat Wade? I hear you can fit three in your mouth sideways. Did your daddy teach you to relax your jaw?
ReplyDeleteYou make NO sense and you are a disgusting filthy unwashed sinful moron
DeleteDo not dare continue to use the HONR Network's good name for your sickly vile, and stupid comments.