Hoaxers try to defeat CW Wade but FAIL
Recently the hoaxers have increased their attacks, with hacking my email, Google Plus, and Facebook accounts.
This is very aggravating because I cannot do my work if I am locked out of my account due to stalkers who are trying to limit my first amendment rights.
I have debunked all of their bogus, worthless claims. Therefore, since they cannot attack the message — they attack the messenger.
Recently, an event occurred which was more extreme than in the past.
On the blog Sandy Hook Truth Exposed, someone tried (but failed) to impersonate me.Sadly I am used to this. Just the other day in a Google Hangout with Secular Opinion, some idiot, probably Montagraph, started typing in the side chat as me. Ha! Ha ha!!
Some splooge-brained gravestalking-fiend thought anyone would fall for that...As if.
Everyone knows that my name is CW Wade, and that my profile is CW Wade. If my profile says CW Wade, you can rest assured it is me.
Moron Hooktards don't understand such matters.
So anyhow, the other night some new drool-drinking assface wrote some of the most distressing comments to which I have ever been subjected to in my life.
I awoke to the following screenshots sent by the HONR Network's -- NightWatch™ ALERT! system—part of their new NightSentry™: Online Reputation Defender System*
*currently undergoing BETA testing.
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ALERT #1 (courtesy of the HONR Network) |
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ALERT #2 (courtesy of the HONR Network) |
As you can easily see, the comments were horribly vulgar and would naturally be extremely distressing to anyone. However, since I am a respected, level-headed adult (unlike SHHG), I tried my best to keep my cool and began my efforts to address and control the situation.
I even warned them what would happen if they continued...
I was forced to perpetually defend myself against these stalkers.
Arie Fique, the blog's owner (someone who isn't me), is someone who I had thought was on our side in the fight against the hoaxers... though honestly, I have began to suspect that they may be nothing more than an agent provocateur.
Insidiously creating a division amongst the members of our team.
You see, before he came into the picture our group operated with prestige —gaining the trust of the poor suffering people of Newtown.
However, once that site went up - some of the families felt that it was a bit “over the top”; hypocritical even. That is obviously not correct, but I mention it for the sake of documenting the truth.
So this was a warning sign to which I should have paid attention earlier. We can tolerate no kinks in the armor of our Hoaxer-smashing machinery. We must operate like a Panzer tank blasting away the last remnants of SH Hoax believers from the face of the internet.
Anyhow, Arie would delete the imposter's amusingly transparent attempts to mock me ... only to reinstate them and then delete them, making me appear like a fool...
The hoaxers continued their maniacal attacks; lashing out at myself and Arie. This anger is misplaced and is obviously directed at their own parents for not aborting them sooner.
Still, I was the one who argued for a calm, diplomatic approach in resolving the situation...
My reasoned pleas were met with fierce resistance from the Hoaxers. Their twisted debauchery and unrelenting attacks continued unabated...
I clicked on my Gmail since I had made the decision that the Federal Bureau of Investigation should be informed about this situation. I thought it best to see if they wanted to just go pick up the unhinged stalker who was blatantly pretending to be me (a felony offense, by the way).
Hoaxers Hacking My Accounts
Something was wrong with my mail box because the hoaxers had attempted to hack it. Unsure if a keyboard logger or tracer of some kind had been installed, I picked up the phone and contacted the FBI.I spent 30 minutes informing the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Cyber Crimes division of the matter. They were extremely sympathetic (but understandably very busy) and so I quickly gave them the full names, telephone numbers, and addresses of some of the primary hoaxers and grave stalkers.. along with their relatives. My contact assured me that they would look into it; they also advised me to stay off of the internet in the meantime, and I was determined to take their advice.
However, the hoaxers seemed intent on continuing to taunt me... ..which in 20/20 hindsight I admit I should not have let them do...
That was the straw which broke the camel's back.
The attacks escalate - Newtown families in danger.
Unfortunately these conspiracy scum shit heads decided to talk smack about Mr. Lenny Pozner, father of Noah Pozner, and writer for the Hartford Courant
Needless to say, this was intolerable...
Even worse than that, was their continual attacks on me..
My heart was about to burst from the pressure of conflicting emotions. As on the one hand:
- I wanted to put my foot up the hoaxer's ass and smash them into submission.
- I did not want to say anything that might offend any of the Newtown families who look up to me as their defender from these wildly evil predators who have now officially come unglued.
My conflict is evident in the adjacent screen cap.
This is when I decided to escalate matters personally. As soon as my mail was fixed, I would contact Lt Vance of the Connecticut State Police. I felt the people of Newtown deserved to be alerted to the fact that these mentally ill nutjobs had stopped taking their meds and were now on the offensive.
Even though the imposter was now long gone, the SHH Cult kept leaving comments on the site.
Then, the paranoid cult leader Tony MEad showed up (disguised as a female, Toney Heart) and began gloating to me about having spies in some imaginary paranoid delusion of theirs called the “Super Duper Secret Group” on Facebook.
This laughably named fiction, as per usual with these clowns, has no basis in reality whatsoever.
I left the room and attempted to calm myself down...
They made me destroy my keyboard ($9 at a garage sale)
I emailed Vance and explained the situation.
Hoaxers and their evil ploys
Because the hoaxers plotted to erase many of their comments, the comment section was left making me appear to be crazy, when in reality... the opposite was true. This is how these knuckle draggers operate in the shadows of their closed group. That is why I have dedicated my life to exposing them and their grave lurking perversions to the world.
However, now outside bi-standers were seeing comments made by me, but if you were not the one living it, then you probably could mistake me for someone having a bad day... as opposed to doing the very important work of protecting the country from these domestic terrorists.
I know that I shouldn't have said that.
I can admit it... I overreacted a little. If the commenter reads this, please know that I am sorry that you misunderstood.
However, the following antagonist I offer no apology to...
The inbred Hoaxers could not get it through their lizard brains that I had contacted Vance and that meant for them to cease and desist.
They continued to mock me in their depraved group of drool drinking reptiless and granola crunching tree fuckers and certified mental patients.
In addition to their cult's depraved leader, Tony Mead (who orders stalking hits on SH families like he was ordering a cup of black coffee and mozzarella sticks at Denny's)
—we have such winners as the group's co-admin:
a crazed Canadian who goes by the sodomitically suggestive name Craven S. Moorehead (get it?)
aka Swansong.
Swansong and his know-it-all twin brother, Jeff Dryden, mock my email to Vance, hallucinating the following exchange while the fidgety AJ Drew cheers from the sidelines, eventually deciding to get a sex change and adopt the name “Tiffany” ...as he waits in a chair for his Caffeine Addicts Anonymous (CA) Meetings to begin:
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John Doe #1 aka Jeff Dryden and John Doe #2 aka Craven S. Moorehead laugh along with another hoaxer |
They tried ... but failed
Obviously these people need help... that's why I am truly motivated to expose these Hoaxers for what they really are — addicts, lunatics, and prostitutes.
Social rejects who live in their mother's basement, where they spend all day every day grave stalking photographs and trying to one-up each other in their contest of depravity... slouched over and drooling, shirts littered with Cheetos crumbs and Tab soda stains.
They are no match for me, and the only thing I will say to them is this:
You lose again, Hoaxers...
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For the hoaxers who don't believe that Lt Vance and myself are on first-name basis with each other. |
CW Wade
Hey was wondering where you went and disappeared to after you sent fraudulent Cease and Desist notices to the Admins of the SHH Group blaming them for this website!
ReplyDeleteYou f'n idiot, you can't send C+D threats in someone elses name!
I elected to withhold my person information because fi i didnt' then the hoaxers would stalk and harass me everywhere ii go
DeleteI parked at the store the other night to do my shopping and by accident leftmy window cracked half way open
Well, when I got back to my car and when i got back to my car i found that one of your deranged hoaxer buddies had thrown a Carls Jr milkshake through the window and it was splattered all over the inside of my car. You people are terrorists. Terrorizing the people of Newtown. And now they are Terrorizing me..
Delete-good job to which ever "hoaxer" did that LMAO!
if you support the criminal terrorist stalkers and vandals who did this to my car, then you are an accomplice by proxy. what is Your Name??
DeleteThis blog posting is one of the funniest things I have ever read! Literally on the floor in tears every time I read it. If not already, this person should be writing comedies in Hollywood!
I'm glad you think hoaxer terrorism is amusing.
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