Thursday, January 22, 2015

DHS Vehicle at Sandy Hook Debunked

The hoaxers like to seize on any tiny shred of evidence for their ridiculous false claims.

Therefore, it was no surprise when recently Keith Johnson—despite being a relative newcomer to the Sandy Hook Research community—debunked some of Professor Doom's under-researched claims of the Sandy Hook Shooting having been a drill.

Slinking back off into the shadows, Dr. Doom soon admits defeat, but returned, and this time predictably peddling a new, more incredible claim.

Dr Doom's video showing fake DHS vehicle
Typical, weak, hoaxer evidence.

The Department of Homeland Security was present at Sandy Hook Elementary School on the day of the shooting so therefore it must be a DRILL right?


Now, at first glance I must admit, it did look somewhat intriguing—what on earth could DHS have been doing there at the school that soon after Animal's attack?

And so I sat down to debunk this and soon enough .. wah la!

Here's some help you inept morons

DHS Vehicle:

DHS FPS Vehicle
DHS Vehicle: Federal Protective Service POLICE

The vehicle which hoaxers think is at Sandy Hook
A close up view of an actual Federal Protective Service Police vehicle

So what was the vehicle which was spotted at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012?

Well, luckily with a bit of searching — I finally found it:

Homeboy SoundSys™ G-Ride
Homeboy SoundSys’ G-Ride – Pimpin’ Rides Wit Funky Phat Hiphop Beats™  —in Stamford, CT

Up-close view showing the two different vehicles

The Homeboy SoundSys™ G-ride, quite obviously somebody's work-vehicle, is based out of Stamford, CT.
So…a Sandy Hook parent, one of the childrens' dads or something, must work there. Big deal.

While the vehicles look vaguely similar to a layman, to a trained and professional researcher like myself they look nothing alike.

You lose again, Hoaxers.

CW Wade


  1. Like a baoss, Wade

    1. Sorry but I dont speak whatever moon-man language you are using to try to communicate

    2. "Like A Boss" it was a COMPLIMENT you IDIOT


Please be respectful to the victims of 12/14